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Abbazia di San Galgano Monticiano
Abbazia di San Galgano
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The original nucleus of the Cistercian monastery of San Galgano is the small hermitage of Montesiepi, built between 1182 and 1185. The most peculiar feature is the so-called 'Rotunda di San Galgano' with almost unique plant for the construction of time.
It encloses, in addition to the grave of the saint, the rock with the sword. Subject to controversial additions and architectural taming in the 13th century, a perfect restoration of 1924 brought the Rotonda back to its original appearance. The chapel is built using white stone rocks alternating with brick strips and even in the dome continues the alternation bicroma that here creates an image with an infinite sensation.
With the growing interest in St. Galgano's worship, many wealthy individuals wanted to contribute to the abundance of the roundabout, in 1340 the construction of a chapel on the north side was frescoed by the great Ambrogio Lorenzetti, painted today still partially visible thanks to a ' Careful restoration work that has deterred the degradation. The Cistercian monks allocated to Montesiepi decided to start in 1218 in the plain below the abbey building, encouraged by the Bishop of Volterra. Soon the San Galgano monks became a point of reference throughout the territory and for the Senese Republic, accumulating enough assets to complete the construction of the imposing Abbey.
This has the classic gothic appearance of the other Cistercian complexes, with a three-nave Latin cross-shaped plant, rich in inlaid capitals, cloister, capitular hall, bell tower. The splendor and wealth of San Galgano and its excellent relations with Siena attracted the raids of the Fiorentine armies which led to a rapid decay of the abbey since the middle of the XV century. On January 6, 1786, the 36-meter-high bell tower collapsed overwhelming much of the roof. In 1789 the great church was completely abandoned, thus becoming an enormous quarry of stones and columns for the countries of the area. Fortunately, since the beginning of this century many restoration and maintenance works have been undertaken.
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