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Eremo di Santa Lucia a Rosia Chiusdino
Eremo di Santa Lucia a Rosia
Hermitage of Saint Lucia in Rosia
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The hermitage of Saint Lucia in Rosia is a sacred building that is located near Rosia hamlet of Sovicille: the hermitage is still located in the municipality of Chiusdino.
It is located just over the Ponte della Pia, on the road that leads to the Castle of Rosia Montarrenti on Highway 73 Senese Aretina.
Its origins are from before 1200 and should probably Bonacorso hermit who lived in these parts. Hermit, later joined by several followers that made it necessary to build environments to be used for housing.
In the following years, in 1216 and 1239 the Diocese of Siena and Volterra ufficializzarono communities which consisted of granting indulgences to all those who made offerings to the community. The church, which was dedicated to Saint Lucia, said to date back to 1252 and its consecration to 1267.
In the hermitage would have also been a miracle, changing water into wine at the hands of the prior Clement of Osimo with a simple sign of the cross.
The monastery was suppressed by the Diocese of Siena in 1575, although he continued to be inhabited by some friars.
Augustinian hermitage remain the wing was located where the chapter house, opened by a series of pointed arches, and the ruins of the chapel that ended the church nave. The choir, a quadrilateral, still the corbels on which was set the vault.
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