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Le Energie del Territorio Radicondoli
Le Energie del Territorio
53030 Radicondoli, Via Tiberio Gazzei, 2
Telephone 0577 790800; 0577 790910 (ufficio Cultura)
Business card (vCard)
all week except Tuesdays, from 10 to 13 and from 15 to 18.
TICKETS: Full € 3.00; Reduced € 1.00
The "Energies of the Territory" museum was born from the need to deepen the knowledge of renewable energies, in a perspective linked to the respect and enhancement of the territory as priority aspects in the conscious and sustainable exploitation of energy.
The route aims, in fact, to appreciate a territory that presents itself with particular environmental characteristics and that is why the guided tours are not limited to the museum, but come out to discover the environment and its energies (in particular the power station of the Pianacce).
Through didactic panels and practical reconstructions, the museum allows you to understand how you can pass from a natural phenomenon to energy, both mechanical and electrical, to measure it and clarify its applications: the space is set up as a laboratory and the theme of renewable energy it is presented through some functional models that can be operated by visitors, facilitating through interaction with them the understanding of the phenomena described in the captions. The aim is mainly to sensitize the new generations to issues related to sustainable development and the correct exploitation of resources.
Particular attention is paid to the theme of geothermal energy, a real wealth of the Radicondoli territory, where it is exploited for direct uses (greenhouses and civil heating), as well as for the production of electricity, ensuring sufficient quantities for the consumption of about 50,000 families. .
The exploitation of geothermal energy is illustrated by means of a short documentary, didactic panels and equipment used for the research and use of hot fluids present in the subsoil, whose stratigraphy is reconstructed through a series of rocks that go down to over 4,000 meters.
For groups it is possible, after booking, to continue the visit outside the museum, to find out more about the cultural, naturalistic and scientific characteristics that this special area has to offer: guided tours include a visit to the geothermal power plant, to some natural events and to the nearby greenhouses where district heating is used.
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