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Necropoli di Malignano Sovicille
Necropoli di Malignano
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You have the first fragmentary news of the place, first through two stones mentioned by members Pecci, then in 1899 to some findings in the properties of the Piccolomini family. Only in 1927 the archaeologist Siena Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli about a necropolis of tombs, already plundered in antiquity.
Only in 1964 the Etruscan Foundation under the direction of KM Philips discovered 18 tombs of the necropolis still not wholly defiled: chamber tombs and pit cut into the limestone. The former have a dromos access and circular or rectangular room with benches against the walls, others are costitite from a simple hole. Only a grave is the most monumental of others: it is about 20 m long. and a central corridor onto which eight rooms with benches. Development of the structure and proportions are reminiscent of the large family tombs attest the presence of important human nuclei in the territory of Rosia-Sovicille.
The burial tombs consist of pottery production Volterra to paint black crater with red figures, painted pottery red ware and some coins, which allow us to date the graves between the third and second centuries BC. The use of the Necropolis however, should be started at least in the fifth century BC, as derived from the two stele horseshoe reported by Pecci, a "Kyathos" bucchero gray and ivory for some elements of the decoration of wooden caskets.
For information contact: 0577 049253
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